Monday, 3 December 2018

How to be Environmentally Friendly

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Most people tend to get absorbed in their own business that they completely ignore the problems of their environment and society. What we see in the society is people looking down at their smartphones and laptops. Of course, there are many organizations that have mission to take care of our earth, plant trees and make our environment clean, but those won’t make any differences if we don’t take part in their noble missions. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we should registrate to one of those oganizations, but remember this quote by Tao Te Ching, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

So here are some steps to make our environment better than before.

1. Put Waste Where They Belong
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Yes, you do see that coming. This step is very easy yet very hard to do. What makes it hard to do is our lack of awareness. When you see waste, simply put it to the dustbin according to the waste’s type. No littering!

2. Pay Attention to Electrical Use
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Many of you will admit that you usually forget to turn off the light and other electrical devices, so you often feel shocked when you look at your energy bills! You can make your bills less terrifying if you are committed enough to energy conservation. Furthermore, you need to consider using more energy-efficient techs. That way, you can save money and your energy output.

3. Eat According to Your Needs
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Do not buy foods and drinks unless you feel it’s very necessary. Otherwise, you will leave them rot in dustbin. Plan your food shopping and make sure you don’t waste many of them. Alternatively, you can compost the kitchen waste if you can’t help but wasting them, so they can be useful for helping your plants grow. Also, eating less meat is very beneficial to reduce of your carbon footprints.

4. Do More Recycle and Fixing

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Think twice before you decide to throw your stuffs that are no longer useful away. If it is possible for you to recycle them, or to fix them if they are broken, then do it. Let your creativity flow and turn your stuffs into something even more interesting and useful. Less waste, more creativity.

5. Buy Recycled Products and Locally Grown Foods
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When you go for shopping, choose products that are made of recycled materials, and avoid products that are made of plastics and chemicals as much as possible. As for edible things, choose locally grown products instead of foods that are shipped from far away. By doing this, you are supporting local farms and dairies.

6. Choose Travel Options Wisely
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It’s very important to choose travel option that is fuel-efficient whenever possible, and try to pick a more direct route to your workplace or other destinations, so you can save fuel, and you don’t need to spend too many times on your way. Also, try to use less fossil fuel based products.

7. Grow Your Own Plants
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If you have garden, utilise it by growing your own fruits, vegetables, trees, even beautiful flowers. By doing this, you can save your money, make sure of the quality of your vegs and fruits, make the environment greener and cleaner, and turn it into profitable business.


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